To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Stand Alone (Page 2)

Living on Mission

We have all had that moment where we forget the rest of our story mid-sentence, or we cant remember why we called someone while the phone was ringing. This kind of drift with our memories also happens in organizations. This week we are looking at the importance of staying on mission.

We Are Sent

The Father sent Jesus to live and die and be raised from the dead to establish His church as the vehicle to rescue and restore people and ultimately all of creation. Jesus has sent us to carry on His mission by enjoying constant fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit, and intentionally pursuing His mission of renewal by making disciples who make disciples.

Spring Cleaning

Every year as the weather warms up we spend time thinking about all of the Spring Cleaning projects that need to happen to get our house in order. In the same way, we need to become people that regularly go through the practice of examining our lives to identify things that need to change in order to live in a manner that is more pleasing to God.