To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons on Freedom

Let’s talk Politics

As the sermon title not-so-subtly alludes, this passage is quite political. But not in the way folks might assume. While it does discuss political policies that the Israelites have embraced, ultimately the text shows God to be critical of those policies. In many ways this passage is a polemic against domestic and foreign dealings that don’t defer to God and yield to His way. But that doesn’t mean God is apolitical. It would seem from this text and elsewhere that He is anything but!

When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Christian or not, heartbreak and disappointment are a part of the human experience because of the sinful brokenness of our world. This passage gives us a picture of the hardships of life wringing out the hopes of God’s people. In that we see God remind Moses that He is the Lord. That he is faithful to keep His promises. That He desires to work during our brokenness. That His work and plan always move forward. It is in the heartbreak and trials of life that the glory of God is most revealed in our lives. Through this passage we are drawn to see how Jesus came to give us freedom and hope in Him.

The Fear of the Lord Who Saves

God is working behind the scenes in secret and ceaseless care, and He tends to reveal His glory by using the weak and the powerless. This week we will look at the horrendous Egyptian genocide of the Israelite people and that Pharaoh not only set out to destroy a people group, but that he directly opposed God’s mandate to “be fruitful and multiply.