To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons on Titus

Let’s talk Politics

As the sermon title not-so-subtly alludes, this passage is quite political. But not in the way folks might assume. While it does discuss political policies that the Israelites have embraced, ultimately the text shows God to be critical of those policies. In many ways this passage is a polemic against domestic and foreign dealings that don’t defer to God and yield to His way. But that doesn’t mean God is apolitical. It would seem from this text and elsewhere that He is anything but!

A Not So Awesome god

Only One God is awesome. It is not insignificant that the sermon title has a little “g” god in it. The people of Israel had come to believe other gods were awesome, rather than the One true God. The truth is, though, people today (even church folk) have a tendency to love people or things more than God. This misplaced love is consistently referred to in scripture as idolatry. But these false gods fail. Only Jesus, the One true God, is worthy of our deepest devotion. In the message I will be unpacking the ways idolatry fails, but also reminding folks that forgiveness is still offered to idolators. 

Rooting Out Rebellion

As a family rooted in the Gospel there will be times we have to root out rebellion to the Gospel.  Paul gives sound and clear and hard guidance on how a church does this and what must be present in a Gospel Rooting family to root out rebellion.  Church leaders must be contending for the faith and concerned for the family.  As well as church members must also cling to the faith and conform to faithfulness.

A Gospel-Rooted Life

Paul instructs Timothy to establish elders and leadership in the various Cretan churches that they had planted together. In his explanation of what the character of an elder ought to be, he demonstrates that this the life that the believer should aspire to. In many ways, there is nothing overly special about the list, but in contrast to the living of the culture, this stands out as radical or bold. Again the emphasis for living an Gospel-centered life does not come from the command itself (legalism) but from the grace of God given to us in Jesus.

Trusting God’s Eternal Grace

As Paul opens his letter to Titus and the Cretan church, Paul reminds Titus that the Gospel of Jesus was not something that happened as a response to sin as if God didn’t know that it was going to happen. Instead it was his plan to pour out his grace on us to give us hope and demonstrate his love for us. The grace of God in Jesus is a recurring theme. The emphasis becomes on the connection between grace and action. Such is the overwhelming nature of God’s grace that we are to respond to his grace wholeheartedly and without reservation.

Great Expectations

So we start fresh in 2023 hopefully with some realistic and stretching expectations to direct us in our day-by-day life journey with Christ. Heed His promise as the One who is in control of each step on that pathway. BE all those things He expects of you and desires for you as you expectantly pursue Him. Be…. Informed, Concerned, Ready and Faithful