To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel of Luke: Discovering Jesus the Man Who is GOD (Page 2)

Join us as we walk through the Gospel of Luke and discover Jesus as the man who is God. Our prayer will be that God will help us see, know and experience Jesus in new ways as the promise keeper, the sovereign Lord, redeemer, friend of sinners and many more. We won’t be seeking just to gain more knowledge about Jesus, but to actually trust and experience Him in our lives the way He is revealed in the Gospel of Luke.

Son of God

As continues to Luke unpack the story of who Jesus is, he has given us greater glimpses of the power, grace, and love of Jesus. His writing calls us to live by faith believing that Jesus is who the Scriptures say he is.  As we get into Luke 9:18-50, we see the disciples faced with a similar question, “Who do you say that I am?” This question leads them to consider who it is that they are really following and who it is that they truly worship?