To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Spring Cleaning

Every year as the weather warms up we spend time thinking about all of the Spring Cleaning projects that need to happen to get our house in order. In the same way, we need to become people that regularly go through the practice of examining our lives to identify things that need to change in order to live in a manner that is more pleasing to God.

The End

The conclusion of the book of Acts can leave us unsatisfied because it is easy to focus in on how much we don’t know about the way the story of the apostle Paul ends. However, as unsatisfying as it might be to miss elements of the story, it is important to remember that the book of Acts is about the work of God’s Spirit to build his church and not about Paul.

An Unlikely Fellowship

This week we will examine some of the details that preceded the first missionary journey of the early church. As we see the backgrounds of the people that sent out Barnabas and Saul and their devotion to seeking God’s direction, it speaks to how our church should look and act today.


As the early church grew in influence it began to find itself at odds with the same religious leaders that opposed Christ. As Stephen is martyred by these people, he demonstrates for us what it looks like to be truly living for Christ even in the midst of dying for Christ.