To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons from March 2023

Who is Lord

God is not silent. His Word is clear, sufficient and authoritative. God reveals His mercy through the plagues, revealing the lies upon which the Egyptians have built their lives. This sermon centers around Pharaoh’s question, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice?” as this is an applicable questions in our day and age as well. Through the first five plagues he reveals the false promises of the Egyptian gods, just as God reveals the false promises of our American gods of comfort, wealth, and prosperity, by proclaiming himself as the “I AM.”

When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Christian or not, heartbreak and disappointment are a part of the human experience because of the sinful brokenness of our world. This passage gives us a picture of the hardships of life wringing out the hopes of God’s people. In that we see God remind Moses that He is the Lord. That he is faithful to keep His promises. That He desires to work during our brokenness. That His work and plan always move forward. It is in the heartbreak and trials of life that the glory of God is most revealed in our lives. Through this passage we are drawn to see how Jesus came to give us freedom and hope in Him.