To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons on Judgement

Rebellion on Repeat

This week we’re right back in the thick of the mire. The people have once again, as expected perhaps, spurned God’s grace and love as they continue to run back to those gods who give no grace. As hard as it may be to come to this recurring theme of rebellion time and again, it is necessary because we tend to be Good-News-forgetful people. We need to hear the truth that we all are sinners in need of a Savior, and we need to hear it again and again and again. 

If All Hope Seems Lost

Last week’s passage made clear that judgment is coming for the Israelite people. God has said so, and what He says will be so. But God continued to talk through Hosea, and what He says in Hosea 1:10-2:1 brings HOPE, even in the midst of impending judgment. So, based on what is said here, we can be hopeful in a number of ways. Namely, that God will keep His words of promise as much He keeps His words of judgment; that judgment can be reversed; and that He has a good plan for His people.