The Value of the Law January 26, 2020 Scott Kelly Cross, Holiness, Sanctification Matthew, Romans If the Law highlights and makes us aware of our sin, is it any good for us today?
Holy Living January 19, 2020 Scott Kelly Grace, Holiness, Sanctification James, John, Romans This week we look at the way being united with Jesus changes the way we live here and now.
Life Under Grace January 12, 2020 Scott Kelly Grace, Justification, Relationships, Renewal, Victory over sin Romans If we are saved from sin, why do we keep struggling with it? This week we look at Paul’s writing about our continued struggle with sin.
The Gift is Not Like the Trespass January 5, 2020 Scott Kelly Death, Savior, Sin Romans Sometimes a moment changes everything. This week we look at two of the most significant things that have ever occurred and continue to shape our world.