To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons on Perseverance

Dear Family in Thyatira

The church at Thyatira seems in many ways to be a solid church. But … they had made and were continuing to make a critical error, namely tolerating an immoral teacher that encouraged compromising on Kingdom truth. This could not continue. Nor can it continue in our own lives (individually or corporately). The words of King Jesus here in this text are helpful to know how to combat our common enemy, and they come back primarily to two key questions we must answer correctly.

Dear Family in Ephesus

The next 7 messages from Revelation will cover the 7 churches individually. Up first is the Church of Ephesus.  They received compliments and had 3 good things going for them; they worked hard, refused to give up and didn’t tolerate false teachers, but Ephesus also received a criticism related to rekindling their love for one another, and Ephesus received a caution, namely repent!