In the chapter we revisit the fact that the Lamb is Holy and True. Indeed, it is this HOLINESS that is the reason for the judgments that are carried out in this chapter, and we will look at what we mustn’t minimize and must maximize.
In the chapter we revisit the fact that the Lamb is Holy and True. Indeed, it is this HOLINESS that is the reason for the judgments that are carried out in this chapter, and we will look at what we mustn’t minimize and must maximize.
One of the most glaring in a good way, characteristics of this church is that they are only commended not criticized. This is rare in these letters. So, in a very real way they are a sort of community par excellence. As such, any church would be wise to imitate their example. If we did, what would be the result… Our faithfulness and absolute trust, even in the face of trials, and a secure future in His Kingdom.
This church’s sad situation is dire. They are dead and we will see from the text the nature of the apparent self-inflicted wounds that have brought them to this point. Jesus declares that their works are not done. There must never come a point when we retire in the Christian life. If our devotion to Jesus is only ever talked about in the past tense, that’s a problem. This church is called to “think back” on what they had received and heard. To whatever degree, they had forgotten the Good News. We also see they are living a way of life influenced and sullied by the culture rather than being cleansed by Christ. Let’s not commit ourselves to the ways of the world and instead commit to the ways of the word.
There are three things to emphasize as we look at and unpack this letter, the allegiance to our King often means we cannot acquiesce to our culture, knowing our faith helps us hold fast to the truth and refute error when we encounter it and responding with repentance is always important for those who follow Jesus.
Paul did indeed get that report from Timothy regarding the faith of the Jesus-followers in Thessalonica. The report is quite positive! Paul hears that their allegiance to Jesus continues. This passage is helpful to us for a number of reasons. Faithfulness is supposed to be observable and tangible. And it should encourage us when we see it is present and lived out in every church. It should also encourage us when we see that fidelity to Jesus remains steadfast through thick and thin. All of this was proven true by these faithful believers in Thessalonica and, as such, was “good news” to Paul. Like Paul we ought to rejoice at such faithfulness, but it also should serve as a paradigm for us. What is it about this church’s faithfulness that can serve as a model for our own faithfulness?
As Paul had made clear to this church (and continues to), suffering for the sake of Christ is inevitable. The question ought never to be “Will we face persecution?” but, rather, “How do we respond when we do face persecution? ” We want the same thing Paul wanted – for followers of Jesus to remain unshaken in their faith. In this passage we will explore that faith is much, much deeper than simply “believing certain facts about Jesus”.
As a family rooted in the Gospel there will be times we have to root out rebellion to the Gospel. Paul gives sound and clear and hard guidance on how a church does this and what must be present in a Gospel Rooting family to root out rebellion. Church leaders must be contending for the faith and concerned for the family. As well as church members must also cling to the faith and conform to faithfulness.
Jesus has fulfilled God’s promise to send a Savior and King for the world. We can build our lives on all the promises of God that come through Jesus.
(Luke 2:8-14/Isaiah 9:1-7/1 Peter 1:3-6/Romans 8:37-39)
There are few moments in the day when we are not practicing some kind of communication. Communicating in wisdom helps us to live better and helps improve the lives of people around us.