Perhaps the biggest question that believers, seekers, and critics of Jesus all ask relates to how a God that is good, loving, or powerful can permit the existence of suffering. Today we will examine the nature of suffering and the character of God.
Perhaps the biggest question that believers, seekers, and critics of Jesus all ask relates to how a God that is good, loving, or powerful can permit the existence of suffering. Today we will examine the nature of suffering and the character of God.
As we continue our series on faith, this week we are digging in to examine how a life of faithfulness is one of surrender and dependence on God.
The story of Gideon shows us how belief, even if it doesn’t come easy, leads us to live out an active and daring faith.
This week kicks off our Daring Faith series, and as we start this series we look at the difference between living lives of fear or lives of faith.
This week kicks off a series about remodeling the relationships inside of our homes. As we look at the Biblical description of the ideal family, we will take time to consider how our families need to change.
(Isaiah 9:2;6-7/John 3:16/Romans 8:35-39/Isaiah 40:3-5) (Length 30:00/8.58MB)
(Mark 12:30/Genesis 1:26/Matthew 6:21/Romans 6:12;8:6/Galatians 5:16-17a/Ezekiel 3:26-27/Galatians 5:18;22-23a)(Length 28:40/Size 8:20MB)
(Romans 7:15-25/1 Peter 5:8/1 John 4:4/1 John 2:16/2 Corinthians 10:3-5/Matthew 4:4) (Length 28:41/Size 8:20MB)
(Psalm 23/Romans 8:32/Mark 2:27/James 1:5/Matthew 5:11-12) (Length 30:07/Size 8:61MB)
Week 2 – (Length 31:45/Size 9:08MB)(Proverbs 22:5/Luke 15:11-24/Isaiah 59:1-2;1:18/Psalm 51:1-3; 68:14/1 Corinthians 11:23-26)