In this 4th week of Advent we will be looking at the different aspects of peace that our King brings.
In this 4th week of Advent we will be looking at the different aspects of peace that our King brings.
Last week’s passage made clear that judgment is coming for the Israelite people. God has said so, and what He says will be so. But God continued to talk through Hosea, and what He says in Hosea 1:10-2:1 brings HOPE, even in the midst of impending judgment. So, based on what is said here, we can be hopeful in a number of ways. Namely, that God will keep His words of promise as much He keeps His words of judgment; that judgment can be reversed; and that He has a good plan for His people.
We are powerless to free ourselves from sin and death, but God graciously frees us from impossible situations. In watching Moses get drawn out of the water by the daughter of Pharaoh, we are beautifully reminded that God desires to draw us out of sin. In this message, we will look at the extent and power of sin in our lives and how it leads to death. With this we will find the passionate grace of God through his son, Jesus, in which he seeks to draw us out of the impossible situation of sin and into a new life and relationship with God.
God is working behind the scenes in secret and ceaseless care, and He tends to reveal His glory by using the weak and the powerless. This week we will look at the horrendous Egyptian genocide of the Israelite people and that Pharaoh not only set out to destroy a people group, but that he directly opposed God’s mandate to “be fruitful and multiply.
(Mark 3:14/Romans 15:7;12:1-3)
We often try to find peace through our circumstances, but peace only comes as a gift from the Lord of peace and then we carry his peace into our circumstances. Whether it is relational peace or emotional peace that we need, they both flow from first having peace with God and then trusting him to be who he is and to do what he needs to do to experience his peace at all times and in all ways.
(Luke 20:19-26/Genesis 1:26-28/Colossians 1:15;3:9-10/2 Corinthians 4:3-6;3:18/Romans 8:29-30)
(Luke 18:18-30/Mathew 28:16-20/Acts 1:6/Mark 1:1/Philippians 2:9-11/Psalm 13/Romans 1:11-15/John 6:68)
What we worship determines the direction and priorities of our lives and what kind of people we become
We believe in taking faith-filled, big thinking risks. Our God is bigger and more powerful than we can dream. God calls us to trust Him even when the outcomes aren’t clear. We forge ahead in obedience and boldness.