We have spent much of this series looking at how wisdom points us back to creation, but this week we will look at how wisdom impacts our plans for the future.
We have spent much of this series looking at how wisdom points us back to creation, but this week we will look at how wisdom impacts our plans for the future.
Asking God for things can be tricky. He knows the desires of our heart, he knows what we need, he is the omnipotent God of creation, and yet, we are taught that we lack things either because we do not ask for them or because we are asking with wrong motivations. This week we dig into how and why we ask for things in prayer.
Too often we open our prayers in adoration in an effort to manipulate God to act on our behalf. This morning we are going to focus in on adoring God because of his worthiness.
One of the regular practices of Jesus in the Gospels was to spend time alone with the Father offering up his desires in prayer, and this is something that we need to learn to incorporate in our Christian lives.
As we begin our series on prayer, we will look at how so many of the instructions from Jesus in the New Testament are teaching us that we need to be people that pray together as a church body.
Solomon takes a break from looking at the meaningless nature of much of the human experience and he begins to tell us how to approach God.
Most people have at some point asked the question, what is heaven really like? Do we sit around on clouds playing harps? Is it so peaceful that it is eerily quiet? Is it like a church service that drags on for eternity? If we are honest, when we think about these questions what we are really trying to determine is whether or not we think heaven is boring. This week we are going to look at Scripture to see how the Bible describes eternity with God.
Many people, whether a steadfast Christian or an ardent skeptic of the faith, will at some point question the nature of Christ. This week we will be looking at how it is was possible that Jesus was fully human and fully Devine at the same time.
The story of Gideon shows us how belief, even if it doesn’t come easy, leads us to live out an active and daring faith.
This week kicks off our Daring Faith series, and as we start this series we look at the difference between living lives of fear or lives of faith.