To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)

He is Able

God chooses to display his sovereign might through imperfect people like Moses. The Moses we find in Exodus 4 is much different than the one found in Exodus 2. He has been shaped by his time in the wilderness and his experience with God. In this we discover that the might of God almost always flows through obedience rooted in faith. God pulls Moses away from his selfdoubt and anxiety toward faithful obedience through which God will use Moses powerfully. God wants to use us. He asks us to stopping looking at ourselves and to look up toward Him.

Great Expectations

So we start fresh in 2023 hopefully with some realistic and stretching expectations to direct us in our day-by-day life journey with Christ. Heed His promise as the One who is in control of each step on that pathway. BE all those things He expects of you and desires for you as you expectantly pursue Him. Be…. Informed, Concerned, Ready and Faithful

The Lord of Peace

We often try to find peace through our circumstances, but peace only comes as a gift from the Lord of peace and then we carry his peace into our circumstances. Whether it is relational peace or emotional peace that we need, they both flow from first having peace with God and then trusting him to be who he is and to do what he needs to do to experience his peace at all times and in all ways.

Son of God

As continues to Luke unpack the story of who Jesus is, he has given us greater glimpses of the power, grace, and love of Jesus. His writing calls us to live by faith believing that Jesus is who the Scriptures say he is.  As we get into Luke 9:18-50, we see the disciples faced with a similar question, “Who do you say that I am?” This question leads them to consider who it is that they are really following and who it is that they truly worship?