The story of Gideon shows us how belief, even if it doesn’t come easy, leads us to live out an active and daring faith.
The story of Gideon shows us how belief, even if it doesn’t come easy, leads us to live out an active and daring faith.
We all encounter them. They come at those times that are most inconvenient, usually unexpected, and unwelcome. They are interruptions. This morning we will explore how they will come, how will we respond and what will we learn from His whispers to us in the process.
We have all had that moment where we forget the rest of our story mid-sentence, or we cant remember why we called someone while the phone was ringing. This kind of drift with our memories also happens in organizations. This week we are looking at the importance of staying on mission.
The Father sent Jesus to live and die and be raised from the dead to establish His church as the vehicle to rescue and restore people and ultimately all of creation. Jesus has sent us to carry on His mission by enjoying constant fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit, and intentionally pursuing His mission of renewal by making disciples who make disciples.
Whether we recognize it or not, everyone of us is building a legacy that will outlive us. The way that we treat others, the way we make them feel, and the lessons we have to pass on to the next generation are really important. This week we consider how we can leave a positive legacy.
(Isaiah 9:2;6-7/John 3:16/Romans 8:35-39/Isaiah 40:3-5) (Length 30:00/8.58MB)
(Acts 1:8/Romans 5:8/1 John 4:9-12/John 13:34-35)(Length 31:05/Size 8:89MB)
(Length 30:09/Size 8.62MB) (Psalm 127:1-2/John 6:25-35/Luke 10:38-42;12:25/Matthew 6:31-34/Philippians 4:6)