Jesus’ Love is…Humble, Sacrificial, Unconditional
Jesus’ Love is…Humble, Sacrificial, Unconditional
(Luke 18:18-30/Mathew 28:16-20/Acts 1:6/Mark 1:1/Philippians 2:9-11/Psalm 13/Romans 1:11-15/John 6:68)
As continues to Luke unpack the story of who Jesus is, he has given us greater glimpses of the power, grace, and love of Jesus. His writing calls us to live by faith believing that Jesus is who the Scriptures say he is. As we get into Luke 9:18-50, we see the disciples faced with a similar question, “Who do you say that I am?” This question leads them to consider who it is that they are really following and who it is that they truly worship?
Jesus created everything and holds everything together so we can trust Him, even in the storms of life
What we worship determines the direction and priorities of our lives and what kind of people we become
We can know with certainty that Jesus is Savior and King and knowing Him is how we begin to be shaped by His life and goodness
We believe in a “go” mentality. We will always strive to go to others, before we invite them to come to us. The Gospel compels us to initiate relationships with others so that they might see the Gospel. We must care about loving and reaching people with the Gospel then church participation.
We believe in the centrality of the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus affects every area of our lives. Does the Gospel shape every area of my life? (Is what is big to Jesus big to us?) Everything we do should attempt to move people closer to knowing and obeying Jesus.
(Matthew 23:11-12/Luke 22:26-27/John 13:12-15)
(Psalm 13/1 Samuel 18:7/Ephesians 1:17-19/Romans 5:8/John 3:16/Romans 10:9)