(Romans 1:18-32/Genesis 1:1-31)(Length 23:18/Size 8.00MB)
(Romans 1:18-32/Genesis 1:1-31)(Length 23:18/Size 8.00MB)
Proverbs wraps up with a poetic depiction of a “wife of noble character” who is the embodiment of the Lady Wisdom metaphor. This poem charges us with honoring godly women and rooting our lives in the fear of the Lord.
As we begin our series on prayer, we will look at how so many of the instructions from Jesus in the New Testament are teaching us that we need to be people that pray together as a church body.
The second half of Ephesians chapter two begins to teach us what it looks like to be unified as a group of people in Christ.
Perhaps the biggest question that believers, seekers, and critics of Jesus all ask relates to how a God that is good, loving, or powerful can permit the existence of suffering. Today we will examine the nature of suffering and the character of God.
As we begin the season of Advent together, we take time to remember the way God’s people waited for the Messiah in the Old Testament, and how we continue to wait in hope for our Messiah to return.
(Genesis 3:6-19/1 John 4:18-21)(Length 36:06/Size 10:03MB)
(Mark 12:30/Genesis 1:26/Matthew 6:21/Romans 6:12;8:6/Galatians 5:16-17a/Ezekiel 3:26-27/Galatians 5:18;22-23a)(Length 28:40/Size 8:20MB)