In this 4th week of Advent we will be looking at the different aspects of peace that our King brings.
In this 4th week of Advent we will be looking at the different aspects of peace that our King brings.
As the sermon title not-so-subtly alludes, this passage is quite political. But not in the way folks might assume. While it does discuss political policies that the Israelites have embraced, ultimately the text shows God to be critical of those policies. In many ways this passage is a polemic against domestic and foreign dealings that don’t defer to God and yield to His way. But that doesn’t mean God is apolitical. It would seem from this text and elsewhere that He is anything but!
Last week’s passage made clear that judgment is coming for the Israelite people. God has said so, and what He says will be so. But God continued to talk through Hosea, and what He says in Hosea 1:10-2:1 brings HOPE, even in the midst of impending judgment. So, based on what is said here, we can be hopeful in a number of ways. Namely, that God will keep His words of promise as much He keeps His words of judgment; that judgment can be reversed; and that He has a good plan for His people.
Your story is always part of God’s BIGGER story! He Knows your name and we are blessed by God!
Witnesses are supernaturally empowered by the Holy Spirit.
(Luke 20:19-26/Genesis 1:26-28/Colossians 1:15;3:9-10/2 Corinthians 4:3-6;3:18/Romans 8:29-30)
Jesus has fulfilled God’s promise to send a Savior and King for the world. We can build our lives on all the promises of God that come through Jesus.
We believe creativity is a natural result of worship. The Gospel motivates us to creatively worship Jesus with all of our talents and artistry. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing you will keep getting what you’ve been getting. Creativity is mixture of gifting, intentionality, and fearlessness. We must use and develop our gifts for the glory of God.
(Esther 8:8-12,16-17;9:20-22/Genesis 3:15;8:21b;12:1-3/1 Samuel 15:9/ Ephesians 2:4-5a /Romans 5:8)
(Genesis 1:10/12/18/21/25/31(b)/Proverbs 16:7/Isaiah 9:5-6/Colossians 1:19-20/John 14:27a/Revelation 21:3-4)