Romans Chapter eight helps teach us how good the good news really is
Romans Chapter eight helps teach us how good the good news really is
How big is your Slash Zone and what does it look like? Paul shares some personal stories that unpacks this and talks about living in a place where you have a positive splash zone to
the people around you that lets them see there’s a God that cares about them.
As we wrap up our series on prayer, we consider how important it is to incorporate the truth of the Bible into our lives of prayer.
As we begin our series on prayer, we will look at how so many of the instructions from Jesus in the New Testament are teaching us that we need to be people that pray together as a church body.
The message focus is on what it means to be an authentic Christian community of Christ-like people in our connectedness together and care for one another.
One of the most important messages from Ecclesiastes is found in chapter nine. This week we are considering how life is not about what we gain, but it is about recognition of the gifts that we have already received.
The conclusion of the book of Acts can leave us unsatisfied because it is easy to focus in on how much we don’t know about the way the story of the apostle Paul ends. However, as unsatisfying as it might be to miss elements of the story, it is important to remember that the book of Acts is about the work of God’s Spirit to build his church and not about Paul.
The second missionary journey of Paul teaches us how important it is for us to have a plan as we seek to do the work of God, and how important it is for us to allow God to change that plan without much notice!
This week we will examine some of the details that preceded the first missionary journey of the early church. As we see the backgrounds of the people that sent out Barnabas and Saul and their devotion to seeking God’s direction, it speaks to how our church should look and act today.
As we continue the journey through the book of Acts we see the conversion of Cornelius and his household. Through this story we see the way the Holy Spirit tears down racial and ethnic divides, and how we need to do the same in our culture.