God is the both the SOURCE of joy and the GIVER of joy. While circumstances may IMPACT your joy, they need not STEAL your joy.
Jesus’ Love is…Humble, Sacrificial, Unconditional
We often try to find peace through our circumstances, but peace only comes as a gift from the Lord of peace and then we carry his peace into our circumstances. Whether it is relational peace or emotional peace that we need, they both flow from first having peace with God and then trusting him to be who he is and to do what he needs to do to experience his peace at all times and in all ways.
As we can all be in places of unrest and weariness in our lives, He reminds us of who He is, how much he loves us and the joy He gives to us as we walk with Jesus.
We are changed to become servants that care for others.
We grow in boldness through experiencing Jesus together.
We best witness Jesus in the everyday moments of life.
Witnesses are supernaturally empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We are transformed by Jesus to be his witnesses in the world.
(Luke 24:13-53)