One of the main purposes of the church that we see in the writings of Paul is that we are to be a group of people that are building each other up and growing together. This week we explore opportunities we have to grow together as a unified church body.
Proverbs wraps up with a poetic depiction of a “wife of noble character” who is the embodiment of the Lady Wisdom metaphor. This poem charges us with honoring godly women and rooting our lives in the fear of the Lord.
Living the blessed life in a world with so much foolishness is difficult. In this look at the book of Proverbs we explore what it looks like to live with wisdom in a foolish world.
We have spent much of this series looking at how wisdom points us back to creation, but this week we will look at how wisdom impacts our plans for the future.
Relationships that we have with people inside our own families are some of the most important and formative things in our lives. This week we explore how to cultivate wise families.
The average American spends over a full decade of their lives at work. This week we look at what it looks like to work wisely.
There are few moments in the day when we are not practicing some kind of communication. Communicating in wisdom helps us to live better and helps improve the lives of people around us.
This week we are discussing practices to identify if we are on the path to wisdom or the path to folly.
This week in Proverbs we are looking at wisdom personified and how the call to live wisely is cast far and wide to everyone who will listen.
This week we are discussing how wisdom is something more than just modifying our behavior to follow the rules of life, it is centered in a relationship with God.