We wrap up our Mission series by considering the mission that Jesus gave to all of his followers
The two most important commandments as laid out by Jesus show us how Jesus desires for us to live, which makes it an important piece of everything we do at Community Alliance.
This week we look at how “equipping the saints” is an essential part of our mission.
We kicked off a new series on our mission as a church this week by considering how we are a people that need to encourage one another.
This week we consider how important it is for the people of God to gather for worship.
(Psalm 119:105/2 Timothy 3:16-17/Colossians 3:16)/(Length 30:23/Size 9:13MB)
(Ephesians 2:8-9/ James 2:17/1 Corinthians 15:10/2 Timothy 3:16-17/John 1:1;14;16)(Length 25:02/Size 7.73MB)
(Romans 16:1-27)(Length 25:35/Size 8.12MB)
(Romans 15:22-33/Matthew 28:19-20)(Length 29:33/Size 9.38MB)