We believe creativity is a natural result of worship. The Gospel motivates us to creatively worship Jesus with all of our talents and artistry. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing you will keep getting what you’ve been getting. Creativity is mixture of gifting, intentionality, and fearlessness. We must use and develop our gifts for the glory of God.
We believe in a “go” mentality. We will always strive to go to others, before we invite them to come to us. The Gospel compels us to initiate relationships with others so that they might see the Gospel. We must care about loving and reaching people with the Gospel then church participation.
We believe we are here to have a cultural impact. The Gospel compels us to have hope, love others, and transform our town. We do not need an invitation to love. God is calling us to impact others where we are. We are here to have an impact, not to have a successful programs or activities.
We believe that generosity leads to multiplication. As we give our best time, talents, and treasure to God, he multiplies it. Do we trust God to do more with less in our lives? God will only be able to multiply us to the degree that we are willing to give.
We believe the Gospel is best conveyed in community. The Gospel causes us to have more authentic and loving relationships. The Gospel is lived out through our relationships. We do not have an isolated faith. Community is not optional. It is an essential part of the life of a believer.
We believe excellence honors God and inspires people. In everything we do, we want to always bring our best. We were made as worshippers, so worship God and worship with all that you have. Bring our best to God, not our leftovers.
We believe the Gospel leads to life change. As we know Jesus more deeply, there is physical, emotional, and spiritual evidence. Are we hungry for the things of God or are we satisfied with the things around us? We must encourage one another toward life-change.
We believe in the centrality of the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus affects every area of our lives. Does the Gospel shape every area of my life? (Is what is big to Jesus big to us?) Everything we do should attempt to move people closer to knowing and obeying Jesus.
We want to be a church that loves like Jesus loves us. We are the church built and unified by Jesus, not a collection of programs and services. A church that loves is simple and intentional.
(1 Thessalonians 2:1-8/Acts 2:42-47)