(Luke 23:25-24:12)
(Luke 20:19-26/Genesis 1:26-28/Colossians 1:15;3:9-10/2 Corinthians 4:3-6;3:18/Romans 8:29-30)
(Luke 19:1-10/Leviticus 25:8-13)
(Luke 18:18-30/Mathew 28:16-20/Acts 1:6/Mark 1:1/Philippians 2:9-11/Psalm 13/Romans 1:11-15/John 6:68)
The Kingdom of God is a mystery. It is here now but not in its fulness. We are welcome to live in it now and point to our coming King by living with Jesus as our king right where we are.
God is a gracious father who longs to be in relationship with His children
Jesus is a friend of sinners and will welcome all who are willing to receive His invitation. Humble people realize that they are sinners, and they also receive the friendship of Jesus
Through prayer we have community with God and we are called to submission and dependence on God
Jesus is the Lord of the harvest and He calls us to join Him in His harvest mission.
As continues to Luke unpack the story of who Jesus is, he has given us greater glimpses of the power, grace, and love of Jesus. His writing calls us to live by faith believing that Jesus is who the Scriptures say he is. As we get into Luke 9:18-50, we see the disciples faced with a similar question, “Who do you say that I am?” This question leads them to consider who it is that they are really following and who it is that they truly worship?