To encourage and equip people to love God, love our neighbors, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Past Events (Page 9)

Summer Mission Trip

Dominican Republic (DR2017) A cross-cultural mission trip with the Envision Arm or the Christian & Missionary Alliance CMA Dominican Replublic  

DR Prayer Night

Prayer for our Team that will be in the Dominican Republic From July 28th to August 5th

School Backpacks

Help us sponsor back to school backpacks. $12 covers a pack & all supplies.  Donations can be placed in the offering basket during church or you can use our Online Giving Form to make a one time donation specified for school backpacks.

Free Yard Sale

We are collecting household items, toys, clothing, and furnishings in good repair

CAC Men’s Night Out

CAC men are invited to the Wick’s house on Friday evening for pizza, cards, and hanging out.  Bring along a snack or drink and a friend or neighbor.