We will kick-off a 10-session Bible study on January 29. At each meeting the ladies will work through Abide by Jen Wilkin which offers teaching through the books of 1, 2, & 3 John. Each session will meet 6:30-8 pm and will have homework. Workbooks are $25 payable to Sandra Rathbun. If you plan to attend, SIGN-UP in the lobby or email Shannon. See Sandra or Jen Wick if you have any questions.
Meetings dates are January 29, February 5, 19, & 26, March 12 & 19, and April 2, 9, 23, and 30.
Youth group for those in 6th – 12th grades will be held Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:45 pm. Note on the third Wednesday each month, students will head to the Douglas’ home from 6-7:30 pm for dinner and games.
Students can meet at the church at 6 pm on Friday. Bring $20 to contribute toward laser tag, food, movies, and games.
Join us for pre-service prayer each Sunday morning at 9:15 am in the lower level
Join us every Sunday for our Contemporary Worship Service. Children age 3-5th grade will be dismissed for Community Kids to the lower level during the service.
If you are interested in learning more about CAC and considering becoming a member of the church, plan to attend the membership class on March 23 & 30 from 3-4:30. You can sign-up in the lobby on Sunday. Attending the class doesn’t require you to become a member, but it is required if you would like to be.
Our Youth Students will head to Lake Champion for the Eastern PA District Youth Retreat April 25-27. Registration is due by March 23.
We will be heading to Signs of Grace Deaf Church in Ohio for a week of service beginning July 26. While there, we will assist with Vacation Bible School events as well as some home rehabilitation work. There is room for up to twelve to attend. Everyone who goes will be completing a few classes in American Sign Language before the trip. If you would like to go or want to stay in the loop for more information, you can reply to this message or sign-up in the lobby this Sunday morning.
The Women’s ministry committee would like to invite CAC women (and guests!) to attend the Extraordinary Women conference, Mercy and Grace tour, being held in Hershey, PA at the Giant Center September 19 – 20, 2025. Speakers for the event include Lysa Terkeurst, Annie Downs and Demi-Leigh Tebow. Friday night will feature a worship concert with Chris Tomlin. If you would like to attend, sign-up on Sunday and complete your own online registration.